Hewitt Family

Hewitt Family

Saturday, 11 March 2017

About Me

My name is Vicki BEVERIDGE nee WALKER and I am married to Peter and we have one daughter Clara. We live in Waitakere, New Zealand.   
Clara, Vicki & Peter Beveridge at opening of Beveridge Track, Arataki, Auckland, NZ
I am the go to person in our family when anyone wants to know something about our family history, thanks to inheriting all this data from mum. The object of creating this blog is to encourage my younger generation to find out more about our family and to gather more information along the way.

I was introduced to Genealogy when my mum Pat WALKER nee HEWITT started her research back in the 1970's - she had me doing a lot of her research in the UK through the 1980's on my OE. Unfortunately like many young people, I only did the research she wanted and never asked questions. How I regret this now. Since mums, death in 2005 I have been reading and re-reading her data and what an amazing amount of research she has done - it must be shared. 
Patricia Catherine Hewitt view report - 4 Generations in NZ

I hope you enjoy this blog and contact me if you have any information that can help  :-)

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